Contract Award Notices


ELI ALPS Facility

Procurement name:
External and internal gardening
Type of procurement:
Open Procurement
Submission deadline:
Zöldterület Kezelő Kertészeti Kft., 6756 Tiszasziget, József Attila utca 24.
Amount (VAT net):
170 226 000,00 HUF
Signature date:

Procurement name:
Conclusion of a property and liability insurance contract with individual conditions (E.A.R. installation insurance)
Type of procurement: Open Procurement
Submission deadline: 2024.07.23
Awardee: UNIQA, 1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly krt 70-74., Hungary
Amount (VAT net): 2 316 000,00 HUF
Signature date: 2024.09.10

Procurement name: Conclusion of a property and liability insurance contract with individual conditions (Property and liability insurance)
Type of procurement: Open Procurement
Submission deadline: 2024.07.23
Awardee: UNIQA, 1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly krt 70-74., Hungary
Amount (VAT net): 57 103 410,00 HUF
Signature date: 2024.09.10

Procurement name: Full supply based electricity purchase agreement (01.01.2025-12.31.2025)
Type of procurement: KEF
Submission deadline: 2024.07.04
Awardee: MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt., 1081 Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 20., Hungary
Amount (VAT net): 444 397 847,00 HUF
Signature date: 2024.09.10

Procurement name: HF-PW upgrade and spare components in 3 partial tenders, Round 3 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: Single-source tendering
Submission deadline: 2024.06.10
Awardee: Amplitude, 11 Avenue de Canteranne, Batiment MEROPA, Cité de la Photonique
– 6 Allée des Lumiéres – 33600 PESSAC - France
Amount (VAT net): 498 000,00 EUR
Signature date: 2024.07.15

Procurement name: HF-PW upgrade and spare components in 3 partial tenders, Round 2 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: Single-source tendering
Submission deadline: 2024.06.10
Awardee: Amplitude, 11 Avenue de Canteranne, Batiment MEROPA, Cité de la Photonique
– 6 Allée des Lumiéres – 33600 PESSAC - France
Amount (VAT net): 198 000,00 EUR
Signature date: 2024.07.15

Procurement name: HF-PW upgrade and spare components in 3 partial tenders, Round 1 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: Single-source tendering
Submission deadline: 2024.06.10
Awardee: Amplitude, 11 Avenue de Canteranne, Batiment MEROPA, Cité de la Photonique
– 6 Allée des Lumiéres – 33600 PESSAC - France
Amount (VAT net): 379 800,00 EUR
Signature date: 2024.07.15

Procurement name: Interior and exterior cleaning and cleaning products
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Submission deadline: 2024.05.30
Awardee: B + N Referencia Zrt., 3644 Tardona, Katus Domb 1., Hungary
Amount (VAT net): 192 192 000,00 HUF
Signature date: 2024.06.28

Procurement name: 
SYLOS3-LTA1 BT optical and optomechanical Products in 5 partial tenders - Round 5 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: Open Procurement
Submission deadline:
CE OPTICS Természettudományi Kutató Fejlesztő Kft., 6725 Szeged, Moszkvai körút 19.
Amount (VAT net): 
214 875,00 EUR
Signature date: 

Procurement name:
 SYLOS3-LTA1 BT optical and optomechanical Products in 5 partial tenders - Round 4 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: 
Open Procurement
Submission deadline: 
STANDA UAB, Kalvariju g. 125-2, 08221 Vilnius, Litvánia
Amount (VAT net): 64 977,00 EUR
Signature date: 

Procurement name:
 SYLOS3-LTA1 BT optical and optomechanical Products in 5 partial tenders - Round 3 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: 
Open Procurement
Submission deadline:
CE OPTICS Természettudományi Kutató - Fejlesztő Kft., 6725 Szeged, Moszkvai körút 19., Hungary
Amount (VAT net): 
1735,00 EUR
Signature date: 

Procurement name: 
HF PW consumables
Type of procurement: 
Open Procurement
Submission deadline: 
Amplitude, 11 Avenue de Canteranne, Batiment MEROPA, Cité de la Photonique – 6 Allée des Lumiéres – 33600 PESSAC - France
Amount (VAT net): 
91 630,00 EUR
Signature date: 

Procurement name: 
SYLOS3-LTA1 BT optical and optomechanical Products in 5 partial tenders - Round 2 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: 
Open Procurement
Submission deadline: 
RK Tech Kereskedelmi és Szolgálató Kft., 1163 Budapest, Kőszál u. 6., Hungary
Amount (VAT net): 
35 229 200,00 EUR
Signature date:

Procurement name: 
SYLOS3-LTA1 BT optical and optomechanical products in 5 partial tenders - Round 1 of partial tenders
Type of procurement: 
Open Procurement
Submission deadline:
FLEXTRA-LAB Műszerjavító és Kereskedelmi Kft., 1196 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 116., Hungary
Amount (VAT net): 
13 039 924,00 EUR
Signature date: 

Procurement name: HF PW spare parts _ Essential and pump lasers
Type of procurement: 
Open Procurement
Submission deadline: 
Amplitude, 11 Avenue de Canteranne, Batiment MEROPA, Cité de la Photonique – 6 Allée des Lumiéres – 33600 PESSAC - France
Amount (VAT net):
156 329,00 EUR
Signature date: 

Procurement name: 
HF PW spare parts_Critical
Type of procurement: 
Open Procurement
Submission deadline: 
Amplitude, 11 Avenue de Canteranne, Batiment MEROPA, Cité de la Photonique – 6 Allée des Lumiéres – 33600 PESSAC - France
Amount (VAT net): 
174 901,00 EUR
Signature date: 

ELI Beamlines Facility

Procurement name: TP24_001 Repetition rate lockable femtosecond laser dual oscillator 1030 and 800 nm
Type of procurement:
Request for Quotation
The delivery of a repetition rate lockable femtosecond fiber laser oscillator.
Submission deadline:
Light Conversion, UAB, with its registered office at: Keramiku st. 2B, LT-10233, Vilnius, Lithuania, ID: 222598890
Amount (VAT net):
149 500,00 EUR
Signature date:

Procurement name: L3-BT Uncoated Mirror Substrates for HAPLS Beam Transport SP24_001
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: Designing, manufacturing and delivery a set of uncoated mirror substrates.
Submission deadline: 2024.02.26
Awardee: Manx Precision Optics ltd.; Unit 12A, Isle of Man Freeport, Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 2AP; ID: 127734C
Amount (VAT net): 128 000,00 EUR
Signature date: 2024.03.08

Procurement name: TP23-045 Large area optics lifting equipment
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: Manufacture and delivery one lifter which will be primary used to manipulate large-area optics in cleanroom conditions of the ELI Beamlines coating facility.
Submission deadline: 2024.02.26
Awardee: Alum-a-Lift, Inc.; 13941 Veterans Memorial hwy, Winston, GA 30187, USA; ID: 100114
Amount (VAT net): 55 824,16 EUR
Signature date: 2024.03.04

Procurement name: TP24-003 ELI Beamlines Facility structure model
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: The purpose of the tender was to have a plastic model of the ELI Beamlines laser building developed and manufactured -the model will be used for popularization and educational activities.
Submission deadline: 2023.12.12
Awardee: Aleš Bulva - Bulva Design with registered office Peroutkova 1384/5, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov, ID: 87168634
Amount (VAT net): 42 200, 00 EUR
Signature date: 2024.02.14

Procurement name: Hardware for Veeam backup software/Hardware pro zálohovací software Veeam TP23_036
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: Hardware for Veeam backup software - 12 SFP modules and 3 backup servers
Submission deadline: 2023.12.15
Awardee: M Computers s.r.o., Identification no: 26042029, Úlehlova 3100/10, 628 00 Brno-Líšeň, CZ
Amount (VAT net): 42 601, 00 EUR
Signature date: 2024.01.17


ELI Beamlines Facility

Procurement name: 
Solid State Dosimetry Reading System Beta Source
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.11.24
Awardee: CCR GmbH, Beschichtungstechnologie, Camp-Spich-Str. 3a, 53842 Troisdorf, Germany, ID: HRB 12351
Amount (VAT net): 109 700, 00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.12.05

Procurement name: Replacement of the control system / Výměna řídícího systému TP23_026
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.10.26
Awardee: H+H TECHNIKA, spol. s r. o., Čechyně 182, 683 01 Rousínov, VAT no.:CZ49436686 and MONITORE SE, Roháčova 188/37, Žižkov, 130 00 Praha 3, VAT no.: CZ01421069
Amount (VAT net): 17 847 864,40 CZK
Signature date: 2023.11.16

Procurement name: Deformable mirror for L1 MP TP23_028
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.10.13
Awardee: MIT, spol. s r.o., Klánova 71/56, 147 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic, ID: 46348395
Amount (VAT net): 79 900, 00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.11.23

Procurement name: Veeam SW for Backup TP23_033
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.10.13
Awardee: TOTAL SERVICE a.s., U Uranie 954/18, Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic, ID: 25618067
Amount (VAT net): 196 900, 00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.11.07

Procurement name: L2 OAP1 and OAP2
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.10.10
Awardee: Optimax Systems, Inc, 6367 Dean Parkway Ontario NY 14519
Amount (VAT net): 49 153, 00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.10.30

Procurement name: Upgrade of passive dosimetry system: Solid State Dosimetry Reading System Beta Source TP23_009
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.10.09
Awardee: Freiberg Instruments GmbH, Delfter Str. 6, D-09599 Freiberg, ID: 22507
Amount (VAT net): 95 545 EUR
Signature date: 2023.11.27

Procurement name: Air conditioning modification for halls, Phase 2: The Cooling Unit TP23_035
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: The subject matter of the Public Procurement the supply and installation of a cooling unit to
enable more efficient cooling of fresh air for the laser and experimental halls in room

Submission deadline: 2023.10.02
Awardee: Instalace Praha, spol. s. r. o., Truhlářská 1108/3, 110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město
Amount (VAT net): 4 753 060,00 CZK
Signature date: 2023.10.09

Procurement name: Re-polishing the OAP 6070 for L4 laser system SP23_009
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.09.18
Awardee: OptiXs, s. r. o., Křivoklátská 37/3, 199 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic, ID: 02016770
Amount (VAT net): 55 102,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.09.27

Procurement name: L4 spare windows W5040 and W5080
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.08.28
Awardee: LAYERTEC GmbH, Ernst-Abbe-Weg 1, 99441 Mellingen, Germany
Amount (VAT net): 90 988,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.09.26

Procurement name: PA2 PFN spare kit and LPFE (30 J amplifier) power supply spare kit
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.08.24
Awardee: UAB EKSPLA, Savanoriu pr. 237, 02300 Vilnius, ID: 121706497
Amount (VAT net): 157 300 EUR
Signature date: 2023.09.05

Procurement name:
Supply of electricity for ELI Beamlines centre for 2024
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: Electricity supplies for ELI Beamlines research centre for 2024 procured on the PXE commodity market under the rules of the commodity market 
Link: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.07.13
Awardee: Veolia Komodity ČR, s. r. o., Id. No. 25846159, 28. října 3337/7, 702 00 Ostrava
Amount (VAT net): Framework agreement, 1 year
Signature date: 2023.07.13

Procurement name: Supply of natural gas for ELI Beamlines centre for 2024
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: Natural gas supplies for ELI Beamlines research centre for 2024 procured on the PXE commodity market under the rules of the commodity market 
Link: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.07.13
Awardee: Pražská plynárenská, a. s., Id. No. 60193492, Národní 37, 110 00 Praha
Amount (VAT net): Framework agreement, 1 year
Signature date: 2023.07.13

Procurement name: X-Ray server PC for control and data acquisition in experimental hall E1 TP23_015
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: Delivery of X-Ray server PC for control and data acquisition in experimental hall E1
Submission deadline: 2023.06.09
Awardee: AL WIL Trade, spol. s r.o., Průmyslová 1306/7, 102 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic, ID: 16188641
Amount (VAT net): 25 000,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.06.16

Procurement name: Delivery of cogeneration unit for ELI Beamlines
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: The subject of the performance of the public procurement is the supply, assembly, installation and commissioning of a cogeneration unit for the combined production of heat and electricity. The public procurement also includes other related activities, in particular the implementation of related building modifications, involvement in the electrical and thermal management system of the existing operation, and subsequent service of the installed cogeneration unit.
Submission deadline: 2023.06.07
Awardee: GENTEC CHP s.r.o., Antala Staška 1859/34, 140 00 Praha 4, VAT no.: CZ28599446
Amount (VAT net): 23 701 624,59 CZK
Signature date: 2023.08.04

Procurement name: Delivery of cogeneration unit for ELI Beamlines - servis contract
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: Service services to ensure the full functionality of the cogeneration unit. To make it operational and safe to use.
Submission deadline: 2023.06.07
Awardee: GENTEC CHP s.r.o., Antala Staška 1859/34, 140 00 Praha 4, VAT no.: CZ28599446
Amount (VAT net): N/A
Signature date: 2023.08.04

Procurement name: TP22_022 PVPP for ELI Beamlines / TP22_022 FVE pro centrum ELI Beamlines
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: The subject matter of the public procurement is the complete supply of photovoltaic panels, including structure for their positioning and all the necessary material, products, structures and equipment necessary for the proper delivery of an operable photovoltaic power plant. The subject matter of the public procurement is also the installation of photovoltaic panels and connection of photovoltaic panels to inverters and connection to the LV electrical network in the client's building, the revival of the system and its trial operation.
Submission deadline: 2023.05.23
Awardee: EKOTEZ, spol. s r.o., Praha 3, Koněvova 47, čp. 857, PSČ 13000 , VAT no.: CZ15268462
Amount (VAT net): 10 973 997,36 EUR
Signature date: 2023.08.02

Procurement name: Components for the Ellipsometer Upgrade TP23_011
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.04.24
Awardee: Park Systems GmbH
Streemannstrasse 30, 37079 Goettingen, Germany
Park Systems GmbH Streemannstrasse 30, 37079 Goettingen, Germany Identification no.: HRB 2896

Amount (VAT net): 168 950,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.04.27

Procurement name: TP22-063 Positioning System for EUV-Optics
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.04.21
Awardee: SmarAct GmbH, Schuette-Lanz-Strasse 9, 261 35 Oldenburg, ID:200036
Amount (VAT net): 66 908,64 EUR
Signature date: 2023.05.17

Procurement name: Equipment for Radiolab TP22_062_REISSUE_Part 1
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.04.18
Awardee: Trigon plus s.r.o. , Západní 93, 251 01 Čestlice, VAT no.: 46350110
Amount (VAT net): 779 000, 00 CZK
Signature date: 2023.05.09

Procurement name: Equipment for Radiolab TP22_062_REISSUE_Part 2
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.04.18
Awardee: Trigon plus s.r.o. , Západní 93, 251 01 Čestlice, VAT no.: 46350110
Amount (VAT net): 1 175 000, 00 CZK
Signature date: 2023.05.09

Procurement name: TP23-003 In-vacuum X-ray CCD camera for EUV/XUV Diagnostics and Applications
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.04.03
Awardee: Greateyes GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig Strasse2, 12489 Berlin, ID:112450
Amount (VAT net): 268 697 EUR
Signature date: 2023.04.27

Procurement name: TP23-007 Autodesk licences
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: The subject matter of this Public Procurement is the prolongation of the rent for the licenses
Submission deadline: 2023.03.16
Awardee: Arkance Systems CZ s. r. o., Líbalova 2348/1, 149 00, Praha 4 - Chodov, ID: 26197081
Amount (VAT net): 40 560 EUR
Signature date: 2023.03.15

Procurement name: TP23_001 Mode locked, Yb:YAG femtosecond fiber osciallator
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.03.06
Awardee: Menlo Systems GmbH with its registered office at:
Bunsenstraße 5, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany

Amount (VAT net): 39 640,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.03.22

Procurement name: TP22-057 Service contract - MIS maintenance
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.02.20
Awardee: NUVIA a.s., Modřínová 1094, 674 01 Třebíč, ID: 25506331
Amount (VAT net): Framework agreement, 2 years
Signature date: 2023.02.22

Procurement name: Cryopump for IAL target ECU chamber [TP22_054]
Type of procurement: Invitation to submit a bid
Summary: Delivery of a high capacity cryopump in accordance with the technical specification.
Submission deadline: 2023.01.31
Awardee: sídlo: Modřínová 1094, Třebíč 674 01, Česká republika
Amount (VAT net): 69 950,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.02.22

Procurement name: Vacuum chamber vessel of ELIAS coating system TP22_021
Type of procurement: Call for Tenders
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.01.23
Awardee: STREICHER, spol. s r.o. Plzeň with its registered office at:
Plzeňská 565, 332 09 Štěnovice, CZ
Amount (VAT net): 124 500,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.02.03

Procurement name: Compact vacuum chamber for laser-plasma diagnostics TP22_050
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.01.18
Awardee: ALCA TECHNOLOGY S.r.l., Via Lago di Garda, 130 36015 Schio (VI) - Italia
Amount (VAT net): 7 615 000,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.02.16

Procurement name: TP22-047 Pulse picker
Type of procurement: Request for Quotation
Summary: N/A
Submission deadline: 2023.01.13
Awardee: OptiXs, s. r. o., Křivoklátská 37/3, 199 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic, ID: 02016770
Amount (VAT net): 2 000 000 CZK
Signature date: 2023.01.19

Procurement name: Repetition rate lockable femtosecond fiber laser oscillator operating at 1030 nm (TP22_056)
Type of procurement: Invitation to submit a bid - supply
Summary: The delivery of a repetition rate lockable femtosecond fiber laser oscillator
Submission deadline: 2023.01.13
Awardee: Menlo Systems GmbH with its registered office at:
Bunsenstraße 5, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
Identification no.: HRB 138145

Amount (VAT net): 39 6400,00 EUR
Signature date: 2023.02.07