Ongoing and Finished Procurements

ELI Beamlines

Ongoing Procurements

Tender name: TP24-027 Ensuring Azure cloud services with Microsoft on-premise solution
Tender documents: 
Call for tenders
Technical specifications
Azure RACI matrix
Price table
Service agreement
Answers and questions 1
Answers and questions 2
Answers and questions 3
Answers and questions 4
Additional information

Tender name:
Development and configuration of the MXCube software_ TP24_026_REISSUE
Tender documents:
Call for tender
Price table

Tender name: Low vibration cryocooler system for ELIMAIA
Tender documents: 
Request for Quotation
40240723-С_RSD_Low vibration cryocooler system for ELIMAIA_TP24_024
Purchase Contract

Tender name: Zajištění Úklidu V Areálu ELI ERIC / Ensuring Cleaning Service in the ELI ERIC area - TP24_022
Tender documents:
The subject matter of the 4-year contract is to ensure cleaning services in the area of the ELI Beamlines research centre in Dolní Břežany.

Tender name: Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System for ELI ERIC
Tender documents:

Tender name: TP24-002 Facility Systems Operation and Security Services for ELI Beamlines
Tender documents:

Finished Procurements

Tender name: Služby zajištění odpadového hospodářství (Waste management services 2024+)
Request for quotations: 
Call For Tenders 

Tender name:
Liquid nitrogen duct between SO-03 and L2 laser hall_TP23_027
Tender documents: 
Call For Tenders 
Technical specification

Tender name: Hardware pro zálohovací software Veeam TP23_036
Tender documents:
Hardware for Veeam backup software - 12 SFP modules and 3 backup servers.

Tender name: TP24-003 ELI Beamlines Facility structure model
Tender documents:
The purpose of the tender was to have a plastic model of the ELI Beamlines laser building developed and manufactured -the model will be used for popularization and educational activities.

Tender name: TP23-045 Large area optics lifting equipment
Tender documents:
Manufacture and delivery one lifter which will be primary used to manipulate large-area optics in cleanroom conditions of the ELI Beamlines coating facility.

Tender name: L3-BT Uncoated Mirror Substrates for HAPLS Beam Transport SP24_001
Tender documents:
Designing, manufacturing and delivery a set of uncoated mirror substrates. 

Tender name: Repetition rate lockable femtosecond laser system with dual 1030 NM and 800 NM output TP24_001
Tender documents: 
Request for Quotation
The delivery of a repetition rate lockable femtosecond fiber laser oscillator.

Tender name: Investor´s technical supervision and engineering services for installations supported from Operational Program Environment   

Tender documents:
The subject of the performance of the public procurement is the provision of services of investor´s technical supervision over two installations and related onsite construction works that are currently being carried out in ELI Beamlines facility in the Czech Republic. The installations consist of installation of a cogeneration unit and of installation of building management system related to the CGU. The services comprise the preparation of technical and financial documents and regular on-site presence and supervision over the contractors´ conduct of the works and installations. The installations are funded from the Czech EU cofunded Operational Program titled Environment.

Tender name: Plasma source of ELIAS coating system TP23_006
Tender documents:

Tender name: Solid State Dosimetry Reading System Beta Source TP23-009 - REISSUE
Tender documents:

Tender name: Deformable mirror for L1 MP TP23_028
Tender documents:

Tender name: Veeam SW for Backup TP23_033
Tender documents:

Tender name: Air conditioning modification for halls - Cooling Unit
Tender documents:

Tender name: Replacement of the control system with relation to CHP unit TP23_026
Tender documents:

Tender name: L2 OAP1 and OAP2 VZ0172929

Tender documents:

Tender name: Solid State Dosimetry Reading System Beta Source TP23-009
Tender documents:

Tender name: Re-polishing the OAP 6070 for L4 laser system SP23_009

Tender documents:

Tender name: PA2 PFN spare kit and LPFE (30 J amplifier) power supply spare kit
Tender documents:

Tender name: L4 spare windows W5040 and 5080
Tender documents:

Tender name: Order for trading of natural gas within the framework of the pooled natural gas supply services for off-take above 630 MWh (Gas - wholesale)

Tender documents:
Trading Order PL
Trading Order PL (ENG translation)

Tender name: Order for trading of electricity in the framework of electricity supply pooling services in the high-voltage level
Tender documents:
Trading Order EL
Trading Order EL (ENG translation)

Tender name: X-Ray server PC pro řízení a sběr dat v experimentální hale E1 TP23_015
Tender documents:
Priloha c. 1 - Krycí list nabídky
Priloha c. 2 - Technická specifikace_TP23_015
Priloha c. 3 - Kupni smlouva
Výzva k podání nabídky_podepsaná

Tender name: Delivery of a cogeneration unit for the ELI Beamlines center
Tender documents:
The subject of the performance of the public procurement is the supply, assembly, installation and commissioning of a cogeneration unit for the combined production of heat and electricity. The public procurement also includes other related activities, in particular the implementation of related building modifications, involvement in the electrical and thermal management system of the existing operation, and subsequent service of the installed cogeneration unit.

Tender name: Components for the Ellipsometer Upgrade TP23_011
Tender documents:

Tender name: Equipment for Radiolab TP22_062_REISSUE
Tender documents:

Tender name: Equipment for Radiolab TP22_062
Tender documents:

Tender name: Autodesk licences TP23-007
Tender documents:

Tender name: Positioning System for EUV-Optics TP22_063
Tender documents:

Tender name: PVPP for ELI Beamlines TP22_022
Tender documents:
The subject matter of the public procurement is the complete supply of photovoltaic panels, including structure for their positioning and all the necessary material, products, structures and equipment necessary for the proper delivery of an operable photovoltaic power plant. The subject matter of the public procurement is also the installation of photovoltaic panels and connection of photovoltaic panels to inverters and connection to the LV electrical network in the client's building, the revival of the system and its trial operation.

Tender name: In-vacuum X-ray CCD camera for EUVXUV Diagnostics and Applications TP23-003 

Tender documents:

Tender name: Mode locked, Yb:YAG femtosecond fiber osciallator TP23_001
Tender documents:

Tender name: Service contract - MIS maintenance TP22-057 
Tender documents:

Tender name: Vacuum chamber vessel of ELIAS coating system TP22_021
Tender documents:

Tender name: Pulse picker TP22-047
Tender documents:

Tender name: Compact vacuum chamber for laser-plasma diagnostics TP22_050
Tender documents: