Finished projects
CREMLIN - Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures
Project abstract:
This CREMLIN proposal is to foster scientific cooperation between the Russian Federation and the European Union in the development and scientific exploitation of large-scale research infrastructures. It has been triggered by the recent so-called megascience projects initiative launched by and in the Russian Federation which is now very actively seeking European integration. The proposed megascience facilities have an enormous potential for the international scientific communities and represent a unique opportunity for the EU to engage in a strong collaborative framework with the Russian Federation. The CREMLIN proposal is a first and path finding step to identify, build and enhance scientific cooperation and strong enduring networks between European research infrastructures and the corresponding megascience facilities to maximize scientific returns. The proposal follows the specific recommendations of an EC Expert Group by devising concrete coordination and support measures for each megascience facility and by developing common best practice and policies on internationalisation and opening. CREMLIN will thus effectively contribute to better connect Russian RIs to the European Research Area.
Project number: 654166
Start date: 2015.09.01.
End date: 2018.08.31.
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Total budget: 1 696 250 EUR
Project partners:
Coo - DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Juelich (Forschungszentrum Julich GMBH)
PNPI (B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
NRC KI (Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute)
FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GMBH)
JINR (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
HZG (Holmholtzzentrum Geesthacht Zentrum fur Materialund Kustenforschung GMBH)
TUM (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
ILL (Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin)
ESS (European Spallation Source ERIC)
ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
EUROPEAN XFEL (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GMBH)
ELI-DC (Association Internationale Extreme Light Infrastructure Delivery Consortium)
CEA (Commissariat A'l Energire Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives)
IAP (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences)
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
BINP (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of SB RUS)
IC RAS (Federal Scientific Research Centre Crystallography and Photonics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
LUND MAX IV (Lunds Universitet)
Project website:
The CREMLIN project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654166.
ELITRANS - Facilitating the transformation of ELI from ERDF funded, distributed infrastructures towards a unified ELI-ERIC
Project abstract:
While the implementation of the “Extreme Light Infrastructure” ELI is nearing completion in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania, its remaining goal is to create the necessary conditions for the future operation as a single, distributed international laser user facility of pan-European dimension. The scope of the present ELITRANS project is to complement the final implementation stage by preparing and undertaking the transformation from three legally (but not conceptually) independent construction projects towards operation as a single international legal entity, ELI-ERIC. The main objectives are: • Conceptual Design of the future ELI-ERIC’s “Business Model”: essential elements of the future ELI-ERIC organization, financing, governance and international integration • Preparing ELI-ERIC’s “Business Plan”: development of concepts adapted to the operation as the world’s first international laser user facility • Managing the transition from Structural Funds supported implementation towards ERIC-funded operation: merging the three facilities into one unified internal structure, developing a corporate identity, strengthening user relations, developing the scientific profile, international visibility and leadership The proposed actions are structured in eleven Work Packages. They cover the majority of activities considered necessary by the Commission for a successful implementation of ESFRI projects, and take into account specific recommendations by the ESFRI Assessment Expert Group. The objectives shall be achieved through concepts jointly developed with European and international partner facilities, and world-leading e-infrastructures.
Project number: 676627
Start date: 2015.09.01.
End date: 2019.01.31.
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Total budget: 3 395 383 EUR
Project partners:
Coo - ELI-DC (Association Internationale Extreme Light Infrastructure Delivery Consortium)
ELETTRA (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste SCPA - Third party)
STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council - Third party) - Start date: 2018.04.01.
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - Third party)
IP-ASCR (Fyzikalni Ustav AV CR V.V.I.)
ELI ALPS (ELI-HU Kutatási és Fejlesztési Nonprofit Közhasznú Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság)
IFIN-HH (Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Fizica Si Inginerienucleara-Horia Hulubei)
PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing Europe AISBL)=
KIT (Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie) (Stichting EGI)
Project website:
The ELITRANS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676627.
EUCALL - European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources
Project abstract:
Advanced optical laser light sources and accelerator-based X-ray sources, as well as their technologies, scientific applications, and user communities, have developed independently over more than five decades. Driven by the developments at each optical laser and free-electron laser research infrastructures (RIs) in recent years, the gap between the optical laser and accelerator-driven light sources has diminished significantly. Both communities operate, implement, or plan advanced laser light source RIs, combining high-power optical and high-brightness X-ray light sources operated as dedicated user facilities. Operational and technical problems of these RIs have become very similar, if not identical. In specific cases, joint projects by the two communities have been initiated, but a closer and more structured collaboration of the corresponding communities and light sources is urgently required and shall be developed through this project. The present proposal for a European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources (EUCALL) is the first attempt to create an all-embracing consortium of all (optical and X-ray) advanced laser light source RIs in Europe. Besides addressing the most urgent technical challenges, EUCALL will develop and implement cross-cutting services for photon-oriented ESFRI projects, will optimize the use of advanced laser light sources in Europe by efficient cross-community resource management, will enhance interoperability of the two types of light sources, will ensure global competitiveness, and will stimulate and support common long-term strategies and research policies for the application of laser-like short-wavelength radiation in science and innovation. The EUCALL consortium includes the three ESFRI projects ELI, European XFEL, and ESRF(up), several national RIs, and the LASERLAB-EUROPE and FELs OF EUROPE networks as representatives for the nationally operated optical laser and free-electron laser RIs.
Project number: 654220
Start date: 2015.10.01.
End date: 2018.09.30.
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Total budget: 7 000 000 EUR
Project partners:
Coo - European XFEL (European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GMBH)
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
ELETTRA (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste SCPA)
ELI-DC (Association Internationale Extreme Light Infrastructure Delivery Consortium)
IP-ASCR (Fyzikalni Ustav AV CR V.V.I. - Third party)
ELI-HU (ELI-HU Kutatási és Fejlesztési Nonprofit Közhasznú Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság - Third party)
IFIN-HH (Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Fizica Si Inginerienucleara-Horia Hulubei - Third party)
ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
HZDR (Helmholtzzentrum Dresdenrossendorf EV)
LUND MAX IV (Lunds Universitet)
PSI (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Project website:
The EUCALL project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654220.
PaNOSC - Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud
Project abstract:
PaNOSC will build on top of the existing local meta-data catalogues and data repositories to provide federated services for making data easily Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable (FAIR). Extracting the scientific value of the experimental data produced in our RIs is not always an easy task. The raw data tends to be larger and larger and quite often required special skills for being correctly exploited. PaNOSC will develop and provide data analysis services to overcome these difficulties. The services will include notebook (Jupyter based), remote desktop applications and containers or VMs. These services will be provided locally by the RIs for their users (especially when they are on site or when the volume of data is too huge to be exported), the same services should also be available on the EOSC for general use. The data analysis services will offer in a single user experience the data, the software, the IT capacity and the necessary scientific support. All these services should be fully integrated into the EOSC catalogue, in terms of discovery, accessibility, and user authentication/authorisation, SLA, accounting etc. The PaNOSC cluster will also help introduce a new data culture to the user community – via training at each site and workshops on scientific data management and publishing practices. Best practices in data stewardship will be shared with other laboratories within the PaN community and other clusters. Experiences, trials and results will be shared openly via publications and meetings. The positive experience of implementing an Open Data policy and connecting data and services to the EOSC will help convince other PaN institutes still struggling with adopting the FAIR principles.
Project number: 823852
Start date: 2018.01.12.
End date: 2022.11.30.
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Total budget: 11 953 516.99 EUR
Project abstract:
PaNOSC will build on top of the existing local meta-data catalogues and data repositories to provide federated services for making data easily Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable (FAIR). Extracting the scientific value of the experimental data produced in our RIs is not always an easy task. The raw data tends to be larger and larger and quite often required special skills for being correctly exploited. PaNOSC will develop and provide data analysis services to overcome these difficulties. The services will include notebook (Jupyter based), remote desktop applications and containers or VMs. These services will be provided locally by the RIs for their users (especially when they are on site or when the volume of data is too huge to be exported), the same services should also be available on the EOSC for general use. The data analysis services will offer in a single user experience the data, the software, the IT capacity and the necessary scientific support. All these services should be fully integrated into the EOSC catalogue, in terms of discovery, accessibility, and user authentication/authorisation, SLA, accounting etc. The PaNOSC cluster will also help introduce a new data culture to the user community – via training at each site and workshops on scientific data management and publishing practices. Best practices in data stewardship will be shared with other laboratories within the PaN community and other clusters. Experiences, trials and results will be shared openly via publications and meetings. The positive experience of implementing an Open Data policy and connecting data and services to the EOSC will help convince other PaN institutes still struggling with adopting the FAIR principles.
Project number: 823852
Start date: 2018.01.12.
End date: 2022.11.30.
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Total budget: 11 953 516.99 EUR
Project partners:
Coo - ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
ILL (Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin)
EUROPEAN XFEL ( European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GMBH)
ESS (European Spallation Source ERIC)
ELI ERIC (Extreme Light Infrastructure European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
ELI-NP (Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Fizika Si Inginerie Nucleara-Horia Hulubei - linked third party) - End date of participation: 2022.09.28.
ELI Beamlines (Fyzikalni Ustav AV CR. V. V. I., now ELI ERIC - linked third party)
ELI ALPS (ELI-HU Kutatási és Fejlesztési Nonprofit Közhesznú Kft. - linked third party)
CERIC-ERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
EGI (Stichting EGI)
CESNET (Czech Education and Scientific NETwork - linked third party)
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - linked third party)
STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Project website:
The PaNOSC project has received funding from the HORIZON EUROPE framework program for research and innovation under grant agreement No. 823852.
ERIC FORUM - ERIC Forum Implementation project
Project abstract:
ERIC – European Research Infrastructure Consortium – is a European legal instrument specifically created for European multi-side and multi-country owned Research Infrastructures (RI) in 2009. Since then 18 ERICs have been created in almost all different scientific domains. The European Commission (EC) had initiated an informal networking event, twice a year, where Managers of existing ERICs and scientists of future RI who want to use the ERIC instrument can discuss shared challenges and meet also national policy makers establishing a platform for exchange of solutions and best practises. With the H2020 call “INFRASUPP-01-2018-2019 Policy and international cooperation measures for research infrastructures” the EC is willing to fund a project for more formal and structural collaboration and coordination of ERICs. This project is set up by all existing ERICs and those consortia, which have at least submitted their Stage-1 application to implement the objectives of the call: • aim at strengthening coordination and networking reinforcing the informal ERIC network or its successor framework; • support the organisation of specific meetings, targeted thematic workshops focussing on shared challenges such as the development of internal procurement rules, harmonised reporting, VAT exemption practices, insurances and pensions policies and training of governance bodies representatives; • support ERICs in preparation, based on best practices; • support common communication and outreach activities and strengthening external representation of ERICs' as a stakeholder in consultations and other policy actions that could affect them.
Project number: 823798
Start date: 2019.01.01.
End date: 2022.12.31.
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Total budget: 1 495 281.25 EUR
Project partners:
Coo - BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanks and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Consortium)
CERIC-ERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
DARIAH ERIC (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities)
ECCSEL ERIC (ECCSEL European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
ECRIN ERIC (ECRIN European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network)
EMSO ERIC (European Multidisciplinary Seafloorand Water Column Observatory European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
ESS Social (European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
CITY (City University of London)
ESS ERIC (European Spallation Source ERIC)
ICOS ERIC (Integrated Carbon Observation System European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
JIV-ERIC (Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
LifeWatch ERIC (E-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research)
SHARE ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium for the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe)
MPG (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenshaften EV - linked third party) - Start date: 2019.01.01.
EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) - End date: 2021.03.12.
EMBRC-ERIC (European Marine Biological Resource Centre European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
UVIGO (Universidad de Vigo - linked third party)
UPV/EHU (Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea - linked third party)
EU-OS (European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology European Research Infrastructure Consortium - EUOPENSCREEN ERIC)
ELI ERIC (Extreme Light Infrastructure European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
EPOS (European Plate Observing System European Research Infrastructure Consortium - linked third party) - Start date: 2021.01.01.
EURO - BIOIMAGING (Eurobioimaging ERIC) - Start date: 2020.12.15.
ERAMARIS (Nardello Ilaria) - Start date: 2021.01.15.
Project website:
ERIC Forum has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 823798.
The Low Toxicity Radiotherapy (LOTO) project aims to develop a novel irradiation device using laser-plasma acceleration for precise and low-toxicity cancer treatment. By delivering high-energy electrons, LOTO offers superior dose accuracy and real-time tumor tracking, minimizing damage to healthy tissues. The project's preclinical phase involves testing the device on living cells and comparing its efficacy to conventional radiation sources. LOTO has the potential to revolutionize radiation oncology, providing highly effective and safe treatment options.
Project number: SIC/04-11/2023
Start date: 2023.06.01.
End date: 2023.10.31.
Funding programme: Transfer Voucher Programme funded by Central Bohemia Innovation Centre - SIC
Total budget: 650 000 CZK
Project partners:
Coo - ELI ERIC (Extreme Light Infrastructure European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
IMPULSE - Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific Excellence
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is the world’s most advanced laser user facility. It is among Europe’s important new international research infrastructures, an ESFRI Landmark. More than €850M was invested at three facilities in Central Europe, using European Regional Development Funds. The ELI facilities will merge to integrate and secure the sustainability of that investment. They will transition to operations as a single European Research Infrastructure Consortium. This IMPULSE, funded by a significant EU contribution, will bring resourcesand the experience of leading European laser facilities to bear to accelerate the transition to the operational phase and enhance sustainability. They will identify opportunities for technical synergies across Europe’s leading highpower, short-pulse laser centres. Developing best practices together to support the user experience, the project consortium will mitigate the risk of operating state-of-the-art, high-power, high repetition laser systems. They will develop the technologies contributing the most to that risk, and position ELI as a global platform for high-power laser development, driving innovation in the field. Together the partners will implement standards and practices supporting excellence and consistent quality for the users. The IMPULSE will scientifically demonstrate the performance and potential of each of the ELI facilities early in the operational program. An extensive analysis of the scientific community that can exploit ELI and other laser facilities will be carried out together with Laserlab Europe. That will be supported with extensive outreach activities to anchor the success of ELI’s scientific program with a broad community.
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is the world’s most advanced laser user facility. It is among Europe’s important new international research infrastructures, an ESFRI Landmark. More than €850M was invested at three facilities in Central Europe, using European Regional Development Funds. The ELI facilities will merge to integrate and secure the sustainability of that investment. They will transition to operations as a single European Research Infrastructure Consortium. This IMPULSE, funded by a significant EU contribution, will bring resourcesand the experience of leading European laser facilities to bear to accelerate the transition to the operational phase and enhance sustainability. They will identify opportunities for technical synergies across Europe’s leading highpower, short-pulse laser centres. Developing best practices together to support the user experience, the project consortium will mitigate the risk of operating state-of-the-art, high-power, high repetition laser systems. They will develop the technologies contributing the most to that risk, and position ELI as a global platform for high-power laser development, driving innovation in the field. Together the partners will implement standards and practices supporting excellence and consistent quality for the users. The IMPULSE will scientifically demonstrate the performance and potential of each of the ELI facilities early in the operational program. An extensive analysis of the scientific community that can exploit ELI and other laser facilities will be carried out together with Laserlab Europe. That will be supported with extensive outreach activities to anchor the success of ELI’s scientific program with a broad community.
Project number: 871161
Start date: 2020.11.01.
End date: 2024.04.30.
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Total budget: 19 993 665 EUR
Project partners:
Coo - ELI ERIC (Extreme Light Infrastructure European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
ELI Beamlines (FYZIKALNI USTAV AV CR V.V.I) - Project exit date: 2022.12.31.
ELI ALPS (ELI-HU Kutatási és Fejlesztési Nonprofit Közhasznú Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság)
ELI-NP (Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Fizica Si Inginerienucleara-Horia Hulubei)
TUDA (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
CLPU (Consorcio Para El Diseno, Construccion, Equipamiento y Explotacion Del Centro De Laseres Pulsados Ultracortes Ultraintensos)
LMU Muenchen (Ludvig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen)
CNR (Consoglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
ELETTRA (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste SCPA)
HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf EV)
IST (Instituto Superior Tecnico)
INFN (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
QUB (The Queen’s University of Belfast)
FORTH (Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas)
Project website:
The IMPULSE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871161.
Heme-proteins are an important class of proteins carrying out several key processes of life. The heme-iron atom in heme-proteins shows a strong binding preference to some ligands which are root causes of clinical complexities such as CO poisoning & hypoxia. We aim to elucidate the mechanistic details, resolved in time, of the ligand-binding process in heme-protein using ultrafast X-ray techniques.
Project number: 22230257
Start date: 2023.01.22.
End date: 2024.06.30.
Funding programme: Strategic Grants funded by International Visegrad Fund
Total budget: 56 936 EUR
Project partners:
Coo - ELI ERIC (Extreme Light Infrastructure European Research Infrastructure Consortium)
IOC-PAS (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science)
IoB BCR (Institute of Biophysics, Biological Research Centre)
University oPavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice
Mount Saint Vincent University